Observer Name
David Rosenberg
Observation Date
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Avalanche Date
Monday, January 13, 2014
Logan » Central Bear River Range
Location Name or Route
Bear River Range - Multiple Avalanches from Prov Peak to Doubletop
This pano photo of the Bear River range from Logan Peak (left) towards Doubletop (right) shows many of the large slides from last weekend's avi cycle including several that haven't been reported yet. Further specifics on the zoom-ins for each slide.
Both parts of Bellicosity bowl on the back side of Wood Camp slid wall-to-wall -- lookers left under the rocks that drain into Wood camp and lookers right that drains down into S. fork of Cottonwood.
NE face of the 3rd sister slid as well as the entire NE face of the 4th sister. This latter slide also wrapped around north all the way to the 5th sister.
In addition to the slides previously reported off the Chicken Hill ridge and on White Pine knob, there was a similar sized slide at the *base* of chicken hill that was totally separate. I've circled it in the photo since it's not so clear.