SS-AS-R2-D2-I on the Silverfork Headwall just below the ridge leading to the top of West Bowl. Group had experienced a few collapses on a similar aspect/elevation while digging a hole. Walked up ridge and noticed steep convexity that looked fat with some evidence of wind on the slope, stepped out and triggered the pocket. Fracture propagation was slow but debris picked up speed as it descended.
Crown was 70cm deep on average. Weak layer was interface between 1mm October facets and 3mm graupel from begining of weekends storm. Didn't notice a temperature crust between old/new snow . 15cm of October snow on the ground. Fracture line tests produced CT8 Q1 x2 and ECTPV Q1 on isolation of column
Ride over bed surface or burial against trees would be no bueno with current conditions.