Snowpack structure wasn't great, however, it was better than I've been seeing in other locations. Using the "five lemons" the weak layer had 3: top 100cm of snow-pack, persistent grain type, and grain size difference of >1mm.
The snowpack was very energetic with propagation and energy able to cross long distances easily. It wasn't taking much to get a failure and the weak layer was carrying energy well.
We took a break mid morning and after seeing how well the weak layer was failure propagation, decided to see how wide of an ect it would fail across on a 20 degree (roughly) slope. Whether or not this is useful info could be debated but sometimes you have to have fun with it.
First one was 200cm wide (the width of a bca ruler). Failed on tap 5 with a q1 quality shear.
Second ect was 330cm wide. Same thing, failed on tap 4 clean across the column